The Battle of Bottles: How to Choose a Camping Water Bottle

Hydration is essential when you go camping or trekking. The human body is 60% water. It needs optimal levels of water to maintain all bodily functions. Any imbalance in this ratio can have harmful effects on your body. When you do physical activity, staying hydrated is even more imperative so your body can perform strenuous activities. Camping includes many physical activities like hiking, swimming, walking, and other adrenaline-filled activities. The Danger of Dehydration During Hiking Dehydration can cause hikers many problems. It can make them lose their appetite and get nauseous. People can become disoriented and get lost. In hot weather, sweat evaporates quickly and causes water loss. The blood vessels constrict to limit sweat production, which slows the body’s self-cooling process. It can increase the chances of heat-related illnesses. The risk of dehydration is even more in cold areas. There is already low moisture, which evaporates in the air. The skin, throat, and n...